Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Monday off ... so what ?

Yesterday was Memorial Day and the vast majority of American workers had the day off.  This is the first "day off" in the year for many employees, so there is an understandable sense of excitement.  It is also the unofficial kick-off of summertime, so everyone has their RVs and camping equipment out.  BBQ grills are uncovered and you can smell burgers, brats, and hot dogs sizzling over coals or propane.

People break out their bikes and invite the family over.  The whole neighborhood comes alive and because it is a "free day" everyone just seems so much happier.  No "Monday Morning Blues" on this day, for anyone.  Hang out late Sunday night with no fear of what tomorrow brings because you don't have any responsibilities that day, except fun things you want to do!

The 4th of July falls on a Monday this year, so that will be the next "woo hoo" time for most Americans.  Then of course there is Labor Day, which (like Memorial Day) always falls on a Monday.  Time for even more celebration across the nation as we get to relax with a 3-day weekend again and again.

But for me, it is not really anything different or exciting.  In fact, sometimes, it is a bit of a downer.

You see, I normally have Mondays off.  I work Tuesday through Saturday so my "weekend" is always Sunday and Monday.  So I already love Mondays.  But on 3-day weekends I sometimes feel like people are infringing on my day!  And I always have to find a different day of the week to take off from work (to compensate for the holiday hours I'm already not schduled to work on).  It is the rare occassion (this year happens to be one of those) when I can make my own three-day weekend by taking the day after the holiday off.  Usually I just end up with a middle-of-the-week day off, which just isn't the same at all.

So I hope everyone had a fun day off yesterday.  I know I did.  Hanging out with my family for burgers and games, etc. is almost always a great time.  But next Monday, I'll be laughing silently to myself as I watch everyone trudging off to work while I sleep in!  :)


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